at home and during the holidays. In fact, everyone who will ever get on a bike needs to learn how to use it safely and needs to learn the skills to recognise danger on the road and how to react to it. Also, by teaching children to cycle safely, and by encouraging them to cycle in the course of their daily lives, we are putting in place the habit of exercise – at a time when obesity amongst children is on the rise, and lack of exercise in our youngsters is
a growing cause for concern. The course will consist of 6 lessons with the pupils (bikes and helmets will be supplied) covering safe equipment, rules of the road, starting and stopping, road positioning, shoulder checking, turning left and right, overtaking and traffic manoeuvres. The emphasis of the course is on safety through control of the bike and awareness of surroundings. At the end of the course, each child will be given a certificate of participation. The lessons will start on Monday 7th March and continue for 6 Mondays finishing on Monday 25th April 2016.