Station Teaching in Maths
Station Teaching in Maths offers a unique approach to extending children’s number
knowledge, understanding and strategies.
This year Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class in our school have the opportunity to take part
in our Maths Station Teaching.
Each Maths Station Teaching session is thirty-forty minutes long. The pupils are divided into groups of 4 or 5 and move from station to station where they are taught a particular maths concept.
Pupils spend ten minutes at each station before moving to the next resulting in each child getting a chance to actively
take part at every station. A teacher works with the pupils at each station.
The main focus of the Maths Station Teaching in these classes is:
* Forward and Backward counting and Number and Word Sequences
* Numeral Identification
* Sequencing Numerals
* Ordering and grouping
* Finger and Spatial Patterns
* Additive and Subtractive Tasks
* Shape and Space
* Number Games
* Problem solving
This program is motivational for children as they experience success with difficult problems, making good and on going progress, being aware of and celebrating progress,
checking solutions and developing new ways to confirm answers. This type of teaching shows clear evidence that the child gains satisfaction from working hard and succeeding at problem-solving.
Maths station teaching also affords the class teacher an opportunity to assess the level that individual pupils are working at and the level of their mathematical thinking. This ensures that children receive the support that they need to succeed in Mathematics ... be that in a small group session or on a one to one basis. See below for some photos of our station teaching in action.