The Credit Union Quiz will take place in Ardee Bohemian Centre on Monday 2nd February at 8pm. We wish our two teams the very best of luck in this. All welcome!
As part of our Catholic School's week programme we will hold a Grandparents mass in the church on Wednesday 28th January at 9.30 am. All invited 😀 HSE Dental nurse Mary Carr will visit the school to speak to parents about oral health for children on Wednesday 28th January in the school hall at 7pm. All parents invited. We hope for a good attendance at this. The Peace Proms concert will take place this Sunday 1st Feb in the RDS at 2 pm. Bus for pupils will leave the school at 10am sharp. Pupils should wear white t shirt and dark tracksuit bottoms. Bus will return to the school at 6pm approx. We are looking forward to a great day out 😀 First Holy Communion will take place in Drumconrath Church on Sunday 10th May at 11.15am
Confirmation will take place in St. Peter and Paul's Church, Drumconrath on Wednesday 15th April at 11am
We are now accepting enrolments for our Junior Infants Class beginning in September 2015. Please contact the school for enrolment form or download from the website. All completed enrolment forms should be returned to the school office no later than Friday 27th March 2015.
Paired Reading for Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class will begin on Wednesday 4th February. We invite parents/grandparents/Aunts/Uncles to join your child for this. This will continue for 4 weeks.
Ms Kirk's class - 9.15 a.m Ms. Keenan's Class- 10.00 a.m Swimming will begin for all pupils from 2nd to 6th class on Friday 30th January 2015. This will continue for 8 weeks and finish on Friday 27th March 2015.
Dance lessons will take place for all classes every Thursday throughout January 2015.
AuthorJoanne Carroll (Principal) Categories |